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Pupils hide talents from bullies

Posted by Education News on Nov 23, 2012 in In the NewsOther |
New research shows that one  in for children have given up activities they enjoy because they’re scared of bullies and more than 90% of them say they have been bullied, or seen someone be bullied, for being intelligent or talented.

The disturbing report shows that bullying is resulting in pupils being scared to excel and giving up academic and non-academic activities, the BBC reports.
Nearly half of the 1,042 youngsters aged 11-16 in the Anti-Bullying Alliance survey have played down a talent for fear of being bullied and:

  • one in 10 said they had played down their ability in science
  • one in five girls and one in 10 boys have deliberately underachieved in maths
  • 11% have stopped singing
  • 8% have quit a sport.
Ross Hendry from the Anti-Bullying Alliance said:  ”Bullying is holding our children back and stifling their future. Let’s make a stand together this Anti-Bullying Week and make it clear that bullying is unacceptable and it must be tackled. We really are better without bullying.”
Are you aware of children sacrificing their skills and interests to avoid being bullied? What can schools do?


What is the flipped classroom?

flipped classroom
A reversed teaching model that delivers instruction at home through interactive, teacher-created videos and moves “homework” to the classroom. Moving lectures outside of the classroom allows teachers to spend more 1:1 time with each student. Students have the opportunity to ask questions and work through problems with the guidance of their teachers and the support of their peers - creating a collaborative learning environment.

What are some benefits of this method?

  • Gives teachers more time to spend 1:1 helping students
  • Builds stronger student/teacher relationships
  • Offers a way for teachers to share information with other faculty, substitute teachers, students, parents, and 
    the community easily
  • Produces the ability for students to “rewind” lessons and master topics
  • Creates a collaborative learning environment in the classroom


A great presentation on why we should teach social skills to youth. Go check it out and let me know what you think!!

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone know of any programs that are proven to work, that teaches students about social skills.
