Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Maths Shack

In line with the new Matrix Learning style, we have decided to use the flipped classroom style for our Mathematics.  It is on our Learning Management System and looks something like the following:

Welcome to the Math's Shack

This year you will find doing Mathematics will be totally different. You will be required to complete a small quiz at home before we start doing each strand. On completion of your quiz, your results will determine where you need to go to complete your Maths lesson for that strand.
Each unit will start like this:
1. Complete the activityMaths in Genasses. This will be the icon that looks like . This is your pre learner and will tell us how much you know.

2. On completion of your test, you will go to the different rooms for your maths lesson in that strand. This is the Exodus phrase, and the icon will look like 

3. After your lesson, you will complete your Revelation. This is your post learner and will tell us if you have understood the concept. The icon will look like this 

Yet another part of our journey, this will take some setting up.  Parents and students will have to be educated on how it will work, if it is going to be effective. It will mean that students will be working at their true potential within in the streamed maths classes and hopefully we can fill any gaps they have in their understanding of mathematical concepts.

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